
Categorie | Kennissessies

Kennissessie 1 oktober: Squeaky clean pipelines en Going serverless

Op 1 oktober organiseert de kennissessie: Squeaky clean pipelines en Going serverless

Datum:          1oktober 2024
Tijd:                15:00-18:00 uur
Locatie:         ING, Tesselschadestraat 3, Leeuwarden
Legitimatie:  Verplicht
Aanmelden:  Verplicht
Kosten:          Gratis



Kennisessie 1 oktober



15.00 uur          zaal open. melden bij de receptie bij de ING
15.30 uur          Berwout de Vries Robles Squeaky clean pipelines
16.15 uur          Bert Jan Schrijver Going serverless
17.00 uur          Borrel


Berwout de Vries Robles
Java Developer at OpenValue
Berwout de Vries Robles is a software developer at OpenValue with a passion for CI/CD. He enjoys figuring out ways to increase Software Developer Happiness or at least reduce Software Developer Grumpiness, his own included. He firmly believes that you can do just that by sharing what you’ve learnt. He has been a trainer, teacher, coach and public speaker, besides working as a regular software engineer in the field.


Squeaky clean pipelines
How to keep happy and moving forward? Good CI/CD is essential for quality software delivery as well as developer happiness. In this talk I will share my practical experience helping organisations with their CI/CD pipelines and practices. We will explore techniques such as caching, security scanning, static code analysis as well as organisational policy designed for a great developer experience. Join me and let’s polish up our pipeline skills!


Bert Jan Schrijver
CTO, software architect and trainer (iSAQB accredited) focusing on Java, software architecture, microservices, cloud, Continuous Delivery and DevOps. International speaker, recognized Java champion and JavaOne rock star speaker. NLJUG leader (Dutch Java User Group), tech conference organizer (J-Fall, J-Spring, TEQnation), OpenValue co-founder, startup coach, author for Java magazine, Devoxx4Kids volunteer.


Going serverless with Quarkus, GraalVM native images and AWS Lambda
A conference app backend makes the ideal candidate for a serverless architecture: almost no traffic during the year, and peak traffic during conference days.
In this talk, I’ll show how I migrated the backend for the NLJUG conference app (used to rate talks for conferences with 1500+ attendees) from a traditional approach with Java and Spring running on Linux VM’s to a fully serverless architecture with Quarkus, GraalVM native images, AWS lambda, API gateway and DynamoDB.
I’ll talk about (and demo) the Quarkus development experience, migrating code to Quarkus, creating native images and the caveats involved, testing, deploying to AWS with the SAM CLI, monitoring, costs and more.
